Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Health is Wealth; Do More Exercise

Exercise is a word we hear often as we grow up; a word repeated to us from all quarters, from the physical education teacher at school to the neighborhood uncle jumping on his lawn. Exercise is a routine that should be instilled in our life not just because others are doing it, but because the outcome is our greatest wealth of all – health.
Benefits of Exercise are not just physical, but they also contribute to the mental fitness of a person. Commencing on an exercise regime would seem difficult at first, but once you start delicately it will fall into a proper groove and then you will start enjoying it too.
While everyone agrees on the fact that working out makes you better looking, do you know how good is it for you? Here are a few reasons why you should get off the couch and take jog in the park:

1. Reduce Obesity and Maintain Fitness
Ask any person on the need for exercise and he would immediately come up with – “to lose weight”. Reducing the body fat and maintaining a lean, toned body has been a prime factor for people working out. Regular exercise would help your body loose the excess weight and thereby health issues related to obesity.
2. Age Better
People who follow a regular exercise regime are found to age better than their sedentary counterparts. Routine exercises help in lowering biological age (measure of age based on how the body functions) instead of the higher chronological age. So if you want to look graceful even in your 50s, pick up your jogging shoes and start hitting the track.
3. Reduce Stress
There are plenty of studies showing how regular exercise alleviates stress in people. Whatever the reason may be, whether work stress, relationship or personal issues, doing a bout of push-ups would give a release to the tension. No matter what type of exercise you choose to do, the activity would increase flow of blood and oxygen and the utilization of energy would give you a window to release your stress and attain better health.

4. Physical Benefits: 
Everyone wants a toned body or six-pack abs, but no one is willing to take the pain of achieving them. Indulging in routine work out would give you a much attractive physical outlook and leaves you feeling great. Imagine looking into the mirror at and finding rock hard pecs and a flat tummy instead of just flab hanging around you. Having a structured body is a confidence booster and would make you feel good about yourself.
5. Reduced risk in disease
Regular exercise will strengthen your body’s immune system enabling it to fight off diseases more easily. Strengthened heart and muscles, controlled blood sugar, maintained blood pressure etc. would help stave off diseases like diabetes, heart attack, arthritis, cholesterol and many more.

The human body is designed for an active lifestyle and frequent activity would keep it from breaking down. Lack of exercises are the major cause many health issues our body, so scheduling a part of your day for your health is always a good idea.